Addiction Treatment
Nobody uses for no reason. This is my guiding principle as a specialist in treating substance use disorders. Individuals looking to recover from substance addictions are deserving of empathy, care, and understanding. I have the training and background to manage the careful balance of addressing the physiological components of addiction along with the underpinning psychological drives that often result in someone picking up their substance of choice. I believe that individuals usually require trauma or other treatment of existing psychological disorders concurrently with their work toward becoming or maintaining their sobriety. I utilize evidence-based treatments such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Psychodynamic psychotherapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to aid my clients in achieving their recovery goals. Substance or process addictions are often understandable, if ineffective, tools for coping with tremendous psychological pain. My perspective is that pain needs to be addressed and lessened if individuals are to have hope of not needing their addiction to cope. I have experience working with individuals from residential and intensive outpatient programs, working closely with treating psychiatrists and doctors, and advocating strongly with my client’s family and friends for greater aid, support, and care.
I am also honored to work with family members who have a loved one struggling with addiction to provide well-boundaried care, support, and understanding. It can be so painful to watch someone you love struggle, and there are healthy ways to show up for them without allowing their struggle to consume your entire life.